MEMBA Membership Meeting and Trails Update
We have all been enjoying the great mountain biking in West Michigan and along Michigan’s Edge. Now it is time to get down to business to advocate for mountain biking and get the “Edge” more trails.
On Monday August 29th at 7:00 PM we will be having an All MEMBA Membership meeting at Upper Mac. Arrive early and enjoy the trails and be sure to ride the new trail section designed & built by Alex Stewart!
Our IMBA Chapter is actively looking for individuals interested in serving nominations as future board members. (Future President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Web-site/Social Media, MMBA representative…etc.)
Other News:
Owasippe: Opening Day is Sunday August 14th, visit for more info. Vehicles passes can be purchased on-line or at the trailhead kiosk. Please note that Owasippe is “private property” and not a public park. The owners (Pathway to Adventure Council of the Boy Scouts of America) allow the public to use the trails as a privilege. The vehicle pass money helps pay the camps property tax bill and can provide funds for any trail needs.
Bass River: Welcomes the new Trail Coordinator Matt Jacobson
Shore Acres Bike Park: October & Bike-tober Thursday night races will be here before we know it.
Allegan Trail: Phase II of their new urban trail begins soon.
Register Today for Michigan’s Edge Challenge, a MEMBA fundraiser race to be held on Owasippe’s big loop. This year’s fall XC race is Saturday October 29th. (ICEMAN warm-up?)
Randy Knapp, President
Michigan’s Edge Mountain Biking Association