Riley & MC are your best bets this weekend!
Mosquito Creek
- The Faz Track and Orangsicle have been groomed periodically and are good ridin’. Orangesicle is still a little soft in spots, but totally rideable! Mark even took a run at The Matrix yesterday with the snowdog that our neighbors over at the WMMBA graciously let us borrow (thanks, pals!). Turns out there is a lot of snow out there and it’s still really soft! Any snowshoeing, fat skiing, etc. would be helpful. We’re in a weird spot where the consistent cold and dry weather is preventing us from getting this deep stuff dealt with.

Bass River
- Not groomed, lots of snow; we’re hoping to get it worked out in the next couple weeks. If you’re looking for a good place to snowshoe, get out there and help pack it down!
- Reports are that Riley is the place to be!
- Closed, opening 2/27 per BSA
Upper Mac
- No updates
Main post photo ? Kirk Walter @ MC