Happy Friday and welcome to the long weekend! Winter trail report #2 brings us the results of a frigid start to the week, midweek meltdown, and late-week freeze. The trails seem to have made it through the warmup without significant damage and the silver lining is that those temps made for lovely base building!
For updates before the trail report next week, check West Michigan Trail Conditions and @ridememba on Facebook.
Mosquito Creek
- From Alex: “Attempted to smooth out the postholes and ruts on the Faz Track and Matrix. The Orangesicle, Infinity and Saints’ Loop were all groomed for the first time; conditions are superb. Trail hours 6a-10p.”

Bass River
- From Jeff: “Bass River got groom #4 this (1/10) AM. This was with the groomer cutting teeth out for a surface grind & smooth. Pleased with the outcome. It should be fat bike fabulous, hopefully for the next several days. Trail is groomed in from the end of Sleeper Street to prevent stucks in the unplowed Bass River parking lot.”

First (and main post) photo 📷: Sherry on WMTC; great photo!
- Hard & fast, last groom 1/9

- 8 mile main loop has been touched up. Additional 6 miles have been added. PLEASE stay on groomed trails. NO night riding.
- From Rob: “I was able to get in two new loops at Owasippe yesterday. One is 4 miles and a smaller one might be 1 mile. Justin Donoghue will be smoothing the whole trail out Friday so expect 14 miles of excellent trail to ride. We will also try to get some sort or signage out before the weekend to.”
- Parking passes (day and season) can be purchased ahead of time over at pathwaytoadventure.org/owasippetrails.

Shore Acres!
- Great riding thanks to Bruce for the snowshoe groom during the warmup! Trail is packed in nicely and ready to rip!
Upper Mac
- Upper Mac looks to have received both snowshoe traffic and reports that it’s totally rideable! From Mike on WMTC: “It’s very rideable. The interior sections are the narrowest because there hasn’t been too many snowshoers go through there. Where foot traffic has been the highest it’s the widest and easiest. Still a great skills and balance challenge!”