Category: Riley

2020 Trail Review: Riley Trails

Pretty much the answer to every question is, “Riley.”

2020 Round-up: The Stats

Nobody needs to hear about how 2020 went a little differently than planned, so let’s skip it and talk about the good stuff! This is the first in a series of posts about what was accomplished at MEMBA trails in 2020. So let’s get right into it and talk some stats!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year!

Winter is upon us and we can’t wait to get out and groom some trail! Together with our pals over at the WMMBA, we offer a plethora of options for fatbiking in western Michigan. There are 9 total groomed options with a handful of others that will get ridden-in on their own.

Winter is upon us and we can’t wait to get out and groom some trail! Together with our pals over at the WMMBA, we offer a plethora of options for fatbiking in western Michigan. There are 9 total groomed options with a handful of others that will get ridden-in on their own.