Category: Trails

Beechwood Trail Day #2

Saturday 7/24/21 8am-12pm

Come help finish off loop 1 of 3 and get a start on loop 2 of the new Beechwood trail! The trail is designed by the coordinators at Upper Mac (Jeff & Brian) and we’re working to complete the 4 miles of heavily wooded trail this fall incorporating rolling hills, fun elevation changes, small ravines, & a creek.

Check out some progress shots of the trail after the first trail day!


As of Saturday, June 19th, 2021 (tomorrow), at 10am: Mosquito Creek Trails consists of 11 miles of singletrack open to the public!

Mosquito Creek Update & Ribbon Cutting Info!

In less than two weeks, Mosquito Creek will have officially DOUBLED in length! Come celebrate the project completion with us on June 19th!

While the Dirt Artisans crew has been busy finishing up the new trails, they also jumped over to The Matrix to add in a couple rock gardens:

And that’s not all! Volunteers came out last week to put in some work on The Faz Track:

Lastly: there’s still time to donate and grab some MC goodies before the opening! Blue tees have been added and the original green tees are also still available (fairly limited quantities left in both). We hope to see you all out at the trail on June 19th!

Trails, trails, everywhere a trails!

Looking to lend a hand at your local trails? ‘Tis the season! We hosted a trail day at Shore Acres last weekend and have two more, Mosquito Creek and Beechwood, on the docket for this weekend!

Jamestown Design Update: Part Two

Trail design has officially kicked off! Chris Orr from IMBA Trail Solutions has been on the ground since late last week, scouring the property for the best lines. Some of the MEMBA team joined Chris for the initial site walk and there continues to be a ton of work going on behind the scenes to keep this thing moving. Exciting times, more soon!

Do Not Go Gentle

Do not go gentle into that good night

Old age should burn and rave at close of day

Rage rage against the dying of the light…..

I’m no expert, but I’m quite certain that when Dylan Thomas penned his famous lines, mountain biking wasn’t really a ‘thing’ and obviously this pandemic was several decades off yet. And I know it has to do with not giving into death without a fight – but still – come along with me.

Jamestown Design Update!

Spring is here and that means that JAMESTOWN DESIGN IS COMING! Chris Orr from IMBA is scheduled to be in town and work some magic in late April. It’s happening folks! Just in case you need a reason to be more excited about this project, check out this article Freehub Magazine wrote about Chris. Stay tuned!

Winter trail report farewell: 3/12

Who turned off the winter machine?? It’s incredible to think about how much snow was still on the ground this time last week. We hope you got to show some skin early this week and are now extra amped for an amazing spring. Everything is “closed” for now, but if this sunshine keeps up that’ll change before ya know it! Thanks for riding along with us this winter and spending thousands of dark, cold, sunny, snowy, glorious hours out at the trails. Be sure to thank a groomer if you see them!

Winter trail report: 3/5

Welcome to March! Don’t let the sunshine fool you, the cold temps at night are keeping things “rideable” as long as you’re up for an adventure (and/or have studded tires)! Get out there in the morning or after things have firmed up at night (#dontbeaturd) to get some more rides in before spring-thaw-no-go time.

Winter trail report: 2/26

Wow, what a change a week can make! Here we are, still a ton of snow, but highs of 30-40+ degrees with no sign of letting up. However, most nights are cooling off to offer some adventurous sunrise rides if you’re up for it! Also, remember, we’re in Michigan and it’s not even March yet. Don’t call it a comeback!